- I loved this piece.. [and]… knew this one would have to be the closer. Craig Clevenger, Editor and Author
- Meredith... I loved this piece, and even before I'd decided on the whole collection, I knew this one would have to be the closer... it gave me flashbacks to some of the greasy dives in San Francisco where I ate at 3:30 in the morning after locking up the bar. Craig Clevenger, Editor and Author
- "Great MNN article! You did an incredible job." Reader, Your Neighborhood, Your Network
- "Thank you for a truly brilliant essay" Nancy Wight, Upper West Side and Bigelow Society member, Titanosaurus, an Appreciation
- So thorough, informative, and inspiring. Dunton, Author, Charlotte's New Adventure
- "Fantastic article! You’re a superb writer and reporter." Lese Dunton, Dunton Publishing Machine of Dreams
- "The guys really enjoyed your story. " Softball Player, Morty's Game
- "Very nice article on new youth/work program." Stephan Russo, past Director of Goddard Riverside, Learning to Work
- "You made new friends yesterday and got what the game was all about." Jim Bitros, General Manager, Morty's Game
- "Perfect match of style, voice and subject. Pace/rhythm is just right." Editor, Morty's Game
- "The voice is perfect. I love it." Editor, Meeting of the Minds at Meetup
- "Great story! You packed a lot in there and really hit the highlights." Trish Anderton, Goddard Riverside, Rep. Jerry Nadler Town Hall
- "Great Job as Usual" Editor, Machine of Dreams (or You Wrote a book, now publish it!)
- "You captured the essence of the game. I guess that’s what good writers do." Morty's Game
- "Kudos to you on a great piece" Editor, Second Acts
- "I just finished reading the piece and I think it’s excellent!!!" Author and Interviewee
- "Great job, Meredith. So well done. You really take the reader with you." Editor, Singing with Strangers
- "Wonderful article!! We will be sharing on Social Media to our followers." Michael Anderson, Director, Achilles International NYC
- "You’ve done so much to define the book attractively" Ellen Gilman, The Home
- "I love the friendly way you’ve addressed the reader" Author and Reader
- "You created an irresistible invitation to read the book." Reader, What is a Home?
Features Journalist and Short Story Writer

Who and what are your readers interested in?
I’m an experienced features writer who interviews newsworthy people in New York City and beyond. My fiction encompasses short stories.
Hootenanny Horrorshow
*BEST ANTHOLOGY OF 2024 AWARD A Depression Era farm boy is terrorized with tyranny by a family member. Published by From the Ashes
‘Eternal Flame Diner’
Short Story selected for Diner Noir’s ‘Put Out the Lights and Cry’ anthology published by Outcast Press
'Yeta' is swimming swam ashore April 16th 2024 on Amazon: Short Story featured in Speculative Fiction Anthology
Fix the Subway
Interview with Danny Pearlstein , Policy and Communications Director of the Riders Alliance
Live from Washington Jerry Nadler
Democratic Congressman Jerrold Nadler updates his Upper West Side constituents.
Diamond District Heist
Company reps went to India in pairs; one fake owner and one real appraiser. All worked with one Indian broker and his wife, whom the sellers in the Bourse knew.
Featured Articles
West Side Spirit
- A War for Independence
- Nothing Stops These Athletes
- A Dog and a Man Who Make the World Better
- Become a Volunteer
- Birds are Everywhere
- When the Tenants are Artists
- Foul vs. Fair: Who Will Turn Out?
- Fix the Subway
- Course Horse
- How to Steal $10M in Diamonds
- The Future is Furry
- Learning to Work
- Ladies Who Hoop
- In the End What is a Home?
- Your Neighborhood Your Network
- You Wrote a Book: Now Publish It!
- Singing with Strangers
- Cheap and Chic: I Was a Bus Snob Until I Wasn’t
West Side Rag
- Taxi Crashes Into Bodega Stand: XMas Trees Fend Off Tragedy
- Titanasaur, An Appreciation
- Identity Theft Season
- Protestors Gather in Columbus Circle to Protest Saudi Arabia
- Street Safety Advocates Rally Businesses Ahead of Big Amsterdam Avenue Redesign Vote
- Surprising Stalemate on Amsterdam Ave. Redesign Bike Lane
- Hotel Belleclaire Plans to Restore Broadway Facade to Century Old Look
- Vendors Speak Out About Controversy
- Police Say There’s Not Much They can do About Street Vendor Complaints
- Skeptical Upper West Siders Grill City Planners about Mayor’s Housing Initiatives
- Amsterdam Redesign Gets Positive Reviews from Community
- All Smiles at the Federation Holiday Party
Our Town
- Meeting of the Minds
- Nadler Live From Washington
- Second Chances and First Jobs
- Community Board 7 Fights for You
- Recalibrating Retirement with Part Time Jobs and a Marathon
- Central Park Ball Game Since the 1940’s
- Self Publishing Comes to the Upper West Side
- Piano Bar Secrets
- Dr. Sabina Lim Sets the “Gold Standard”
- A War For Independence
- Baker and Frank Shiner: A Charity Therapy Duo
- Manhattan Neighborhood Network
- Art and Activism
- Argosy Book Store: A Legacy and Still a Treasure
- Nothing Stops These Athletes
- How to Steal $12M in Diamonds
- Bird Photographer for Audubon
- On the MLK Day of Service a Focus on Volunteering
- Over 70,000 Courses in NYC
- Transportation Woes: Fix the Subway
- Fair vs. Foul: Who Will Turn Out?
- Women’s Basketball on the Upper West Side
- Ellen Gilman, Author Interview ‘The Home’
- Cheap and Chic: I Was A Bus Snob Until I Wasn’t
Long Island Business Profiles
- Cosmetic Surgery of New York
- Competition Imports Mercedes-Benz
- Three Village K-9
- Chariot Hi Tech Collision
- The Village Bagelry
- Arthur Murray Dance Studio
- Three Village Inn
- Long Island Museum of American Art, History and Carriages
- Island Packaging
- L. Ross Realty Real Estate
- Kaller’s Jewelry
- Huntington Learning Center
- Dr. Ira Koeppel Dentist is the ‘smile dream maker’
- First Presbyterian Church Embraces the Port Jeff Community
- Implant Patients are at Ease with Dr. Diana’s Expertise
- Dr. Karl George Chiropractor
- Goal Setters Personal Training
- Our Brother’s Keeper: Not what you’d think at Manhattan Community Board 7:
- Achilles International: Nothing Stops These Athletes
- War for Independence
- Your Neighborhood Your Network
- Learning to Work
- “A Dog and a Man Who Make the World Better” Local Volunteer for Grieving Children
- Constantly Learning: Course Horse
- Local Photography: “Birds are Everywhere”
- Nadler Town Hall
- When the Tenants are Artists
- Morty’s Game
- The Future is Furry
- What is a Home?
- MLK Day of Service
- Crime: How to Steal 12 Million Dollars in Diamonds
- Singing with Strangers
- Machine of Dreams
- Manhattan Meetups
- Ladies Who Hoop
- One Man’s Second Act
- National Politics: Foul vs. Fair: Who Will Turn Out?
- Talking Trash and Rats
- Chic and Cheap: I Was A Bus Snob Until I Wasn’t
Chelsea News
- The Future Is Furry
- Foul vs. Fair: Who Will Turn Out?
- Course Horse
- Ladies Who Hoop
- Learning to Work
- How to Steal $10M in Diamonds
- Writing Groups and other Meetups
- Jerrold Nadler Town Hall
- In the End What is a Home?
- Morty’s Game
- Our Brother’s Keeper
- One Man’s Second Act(s)
- A Dog and a Man Who Make the World Better
- Singing with Strangers
- Publish Your Book on the Upper West Side
- Birds Are Everywhere
- Nothing Stops These Athletes
- A War for Independence
- Become a Volunteer
- When the Tenants are Artists
- Your Neighborhood Your Network
- Cheap and Chic: I Was a Bus Snob Until I Wasn’t
Feedback from Editors, Readers, and Interviewees
Meredith… I loved this piece, and even before I’d decided on the whole collection, I knew this one would have to be the closer… it gave me flashbacks to some of the greasy dives in San Francisco where I ate at 3:30 in the morning after locking up the bar.
Craig Clevenger, Editor and Author
Great MNN article! You did an incredible job. So thorough, informative, and inspiring.

Dunton, Author, Charlotte’s New Adventure
“Thank you for a truly brilliant essay “

Nancy Wight, Upper West Side and Bigelow Society member
Fantastic article! You’re a superb writer and reporter.

Lese Dunton, Dunton Publishing
The guys really enjoyed your story.

Softball player
Very nice article on Goddard Riverside’s new youth/work program.

I like how you put it in the context of GRCC’s robust and comprehensive youth services. Glad to see you’re continuing to report on important local efforts to help the community.” ~ Stephan Russo, retired director of Goddard Riverside
You made a lot of new friends yesterday and got what the game was all about

Perfect match of style, voice and subject. Pace/rhythm is just right.

Impressive. Congrats. ~ Editor
The voice is perfect. I love it.

This is great. A pleasure to read. And much fun.
~ Editor
Great story! You packed a lot in there and really hit the highlights.
Trish Anderton, Director of Public Relations at Goddard Riverside New York
“Great Job as Usual”

~ Editor
You truly captured the essence of Morty’s game. I guess that’s what good writers do.

“Growing up with 3 brothers helped you understand the relationships and friendships created by team sports.”
Jim Bitros General Manager Softball Team going on in Central Park since the 1940’s
“Kudos to you on a great piece”

~ Editor
“I squirreled away a few copies and just finished reading the piece and I think it’s excellent!!!”

Thank you so much!!
~ Interviewee
“Great job, Meredith. So well done. You really take the reader with you.”
~D.N., Editor
“Shocked!! I went down to the lobby …and there was…the latest West Side Spirit and so, I casually leafed through it and OMG!!! OMG!!! IT’S THERE!!!”

Interviewee for the West Side Spirit
“Wonderful article!! We will be sharing on Social Media to our followers.”
Michael Anderson, Dir. of Achilles International NYC
“You’ve done so much to define the book attractively and I love the friendly way you’ve addressed the reader … you created an irresistible invitation to read the book.”
Ellen Gilman, Author
Get in touch and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I look forward to hearing from you!

‘Eternal Flame Diner’
Short Story selected for Diner Noir’s ‘Put Out the Lights and Cry’ anthology published by Outcast Press
Selected for upcoming Speculative Fiction Anthology. Coming 2024
Fix the Subway
Interview with Danny Pearlstein , Policy and Communications Director of the Riders Alliance
Live from Washington Jerry Nadler
Democratic Congressman Jerrold Nadler updates his Upper West Side constituents.
Diamond District Heist
Company reps went to India in pairs; one fake owner and one real appraiser. All worked with one Indian broker and his wife, whom the sellers in the Bourse knew.